藝術作品Art Works
所有商品分類 - 青工設計 ChingKung Design
拆信刀 Paper knife
其它 Others
墜子 吊飾 Pendant or Charm
戒指 Ring
《台灣黑熊》-吊飾/Formosan Black Bear Charm(Asian Black Bear)
台灣黑熊是亞洲黑熊的亞種,在一萬年前的冰河期時隨著海面上升被隔離在台灣本島,成為台灣特有的原生熊類,也是最具代表性的本土動物。牠們分布於台灣1000~3500m的山區。其全身烏黑,胸口有弦月形白毛,頭頸周圍有特別旺盛的鬃毛,牠們也是唯一懂得利用芒草與樹枝在地面或樹上製作巢的熊,常以臥姿或坐姿在其中休息。<br> 本作原模以手刻呈現台灣黑熊慵懶的放鬆坐姿與厚實的毛髮,鑄造黃銅後,以白色冷琺瑯上色凸顯胸口弦月,交映出優雅的色澤反差。<br><br>材質: 黃銅、冷琺瑯<br>重量: 47g<br>尺寸: 1.8*2*3.5cm(不含扣環)<br>配件: 手作黃銅扣環<br>台灣製造<br>2025/2/28前九折<br><br> The formosan black bear is an subspecies of the Astuatic black bear. It was isolated in Taiwan after the last glacial period and become a endemic bear. People can find it in the forest at elevation of 1,000 to 3,000 m. The Formosan black bear has black hair, Longer hair around it's neck, and white mark on the chest. It is only bear on the planet which is capible to builds a tenporary nest with long grass and branches for a rest.<br><br>Material: Brass, cold enamel<br>Accessory: Hand-made brass snap ring*1<br>Weight: 47g<br>Size: 1.8*2*3.5cm(not inclouding snap ring)<br>Made in Taiwan<br>10% off before 2025/2/28
《大王具足蟲》/Giant Isopod
軟甲綱<br>等足目<br>大王具足蟲屬<br><br>大王具足蟲是侏儸紀便存在的活化石,活體首次發現於1879,在那個對深海所知有限的時代是一大發現,科學界也因此確定了生物能在深海環境中生存。它們屬於於食腐動物,可在170m~2140m深的海底活動。為了適深海應極端環境,除了能夠捲成球狀抵禦攻擊的外殼外,大王足具蟲還能夠長時間停止進食並降低新陳代謝,大副減緩生長速度(已知最長紀錄5年)。<br>作品《大王具足蟲》以黃銅閃亮質感呈現鱗狀外骨骼曲線,並雕刻了精細的腹部細節,搭配手折黃銅扣環,兼具質量與質感。相信能為生物愛好者增添不少生活趣味。<br><br>材質: 黃銅<br>重量: 24g<br>尺寸: 4*2*0.8cm<br>配件: 手作黃銅扣環1<br><br> Giant isopod is a living fossil that exist since Jurassic period. It live at depth between 170m ~ 2140m cold water and eat falling debris and dead creature on sea floor. As food is scarce in the deep-ocean biome, Giant isopod can servive without food for long period.<br> In the work "Giant Isopod", I made a proper size to show its curved exoskeleton and details on the abdomen with brass.The unique shape of the handmade ring adds more handicraft feeling to this work. I belive a biology lover will like it.<br><br>M: Brass<br>A: Hand-made brass snap ring*1<br>W: 24g<br>S: 4*2*0.8cm<br>Made in Taiwan
《山羌》/Reeve's Muntjac
"山羌"的原型是台灣山羌,本土最小的鹿科動物,牠們分布於低海拔至高海拔的密林,行山者偶爾回在晨昏的森林邊緣發先牠們的蹤跡。當人踏入山羌的領域時,山羌會發出類似犬的吠聲作為警告,也因此牠們有著另外一個名子「吠鹿」。<br><br>"Reeve's Muntjac Charm" was made base on male formosan reeve's muntjac. It is a shy and small herbivore which can be found in mountains of low-high altitude over the Taiwan. Hikers can sometimes find it around the boundary of a forest in the morning or dusk.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br><br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>配件: 黃銅手製吊環<br>尺寸: L3*W2.5*D0.3cm<br>重量: 9g<br><br>M: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>A: Hand-made brass snap ring*1<br>S: L3*W2.5*D0.3cm<br>W: 9g
《古神翼龍》吊墜 Tapejara Pendant
***古生物系列***<br>古神翼龍屬名Tapejara有"古老的主宰"含意,曾經翱翔於於白堊紀的天空。有著可能是為了飛行而存在的頭冠,其顱骨輪廓由靈巧的曲線組成,有著簡潔純粹的美感。作品本身附925銀麻花鍊,若想用更好的鍊子搭配也可以只購買墜子。<br><br>***Paleontology Series***<br>Tapejara is a small pterosaur lived during Cretaceous Period.The name "Tapejara" means "the lord of the ways". It's skull has developed a beautiful curved bone structure to support a functional crest. <br><br>材質: 925銀<br>配件: 925銀麻花鏈(L:50cm)<br>尺寸: L2.5*W3.5*D0.8cm <br>重量: 8.3g<br>生產: 台灣<br><br>M: 925 silver<br>A: 925 silver necklace chain(L: 50cm)<br>S: L2.5*W3.5*D0.8cm<br>W: 8.3g<br>Made in Taiwan
NT$3,700 - NT$4,550
《盾形蟲屬三葉蟲》-1(純銀版) / Scabriscutellum Trilobite-1(Silver)
***古生物系列***<br>盾形蟲屬三葉蟲是縱棒頭蟲目三葉蟲演化至泥盆紀的一支,它有著巨大的扇形尾板與華麗的放射結構,與簡單的橢圓外型形成非常漂亮的線與幾何關係,呈現古老而自然的美感。作品本身附925銀麻花鍊,若想用更好的鍊子搭配也可以只購買墜子。<br><br>***Paleontology Series***<br>Scabriscutellum trilobite is a member of the Order Corynexochida exist around Devonian period. Its flat ellipse body and pygidium with gorgeous radial structure shows a beautiful balance of lines and shape<br><br>材質: 925銀<br>配件: 925銀麻花鏈(L:50cm)<br>重量: 12.8g<br>尺寸:3.5*2*0.4cm<br>生產: 台灣<br><br>M: 925 silver<br>A: 925 silver necklace chain(L: 50cm)<br>W: Around 12.8 g(not include necklace chain)<br>Size: 3.5*2*0.4 cm<br>Made in Taiwan<br><br><br>
NT$4,740 - NT$5,590
《鼬》(黃銅版) / Weasel(Brass)
"鼬"的原型是山區偶爾能見到的台灣小黃鼠狼;台灣最小的食肉目動物。小黃鼠狼有著修長的身體,嬌小靈活,聰明富好奇心,能獵捕大於自身的獵物。<br><br>"Weasel" was made base on Taiwan least weasel. A tiny weasel that sometimes can be found on mountains in Taiwan. They have a long and fliexible body and can hunt prey which is bigger than themself.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br><br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>配件: 黃銅手製吊環<br>尺寸: L5*W2.5*D0.3cm<br>重量: 13.7g<br><br>M: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>A: Hand-made brass snap ring*1<br>S: L5*W2.5*D0.3cm<br>W: 13.7g<br>
《盾形蟲屬三葉蟲》-1(黃銅版)/ Scabriscutellum Trilobite-1(Brass)
***古生物系列***<br>盾形蟲屬三葉蟲是縱棒頭蟲目三葉蟲演化至泥盆紀的一支,它有著巨大的扇形尾板與華麗的放射結構,與簡單的橢圓外型形成非常漂亮的線與幾何關係,呈現古老而自然的美感。<br><br>***Paleontology Series***<br>Scabriscutellum trilobite is a member of the Order Corynexochida exist around Devonian period. Its flat ellipse body and pygidium with gorgeous radial structure shows a beautiful balance of lines and shape<br><br>材質: 黃銅<br>配件: 黃銅手製吊環<br>重量: 12.8g<br>生產: 台灣<br><br>M: Brass<br>A: Hand-made brass snap ring*1<br>W: 12.8g<br>Made in Taiwan<br><br>
《丹頂鶴》拆信刀 / Red-Crowned Crane-Paper Knife
丹頂鶴,也被稱作仙鶴,在東亞文化圈的觀念中是種與天界有所關聯的鳥類,常伴仙人左右,象徵著長壽、吉祥、高雅、以及良好的品德。常出現於東方藝術與文學作品之中。<br>這件作品為丹頂鶴顱骨浮雕,雙面雕刻,顱骨邊緣的弧線恰好貼合手指的施力點,使用手感佳。期望這件作品能將與東方仙人為伍的仙鶴帶入讀書人的書房,作為一種精神象徵常伴左右。<br><br>材質: 黃銅<br>尺寸: L11*W3*D0.35cm <br>重量: 26.3g<br><br>The red-crowned crane, also known as the fairy crane, is a bird associated with the heavens in East Asian. It is often accompanied with celestial beings and symbolizes longevity, auspiciousness, elegance, and good moral character. It often appears in oriental art and literature.<br>This work is a red-crowned crane skull relief, carved on both sides.The skull's curved edge makes It easy to hold and open an envelope. if you like fairy crane and its orintal meaning but tired of conventional products. you can have this unique work in your study of a scholar as a stationery.<br>M: Brass<br>S: L11*W3*D0.35cm <br>W: 26.3g<br>
《紅鶴》拆信刀 / Flamingo(Paper Knife)
《紅鶴》拆信刀 Flamingo-Paper Knife<br>紅鶴又名紅鸛、火鶴,有著細長的頸、腿與紅色的羽毛,是體態優雅的大型水鳥。牠們群聚於地景單調的鹽湖,採一夫一妻制,以微小的藻類與浮游生物為食。<br>《紅鶴》拆信刀以薄浮雕方式呈現紅鶴的顱骨造型,優美的弧線輪廓、厚實的鳥喙及鯨鬚般的濾食結構等細節都在3.5mm的厚度內以雙面雕刻,再由黃銅高反差的光澤還原視覺的立體感。彎曲的刀身也比其它直刀作品更易施力,刃部未開封,可安全使用。<br><br>材質: 黃銅<br>尺寸: L11*W4*D0.35cm <br>重量: 42.2g<br>製造: 台灣<br><br>Flamingos are elegant water bird which live on shallow salt lake and filter brine shrimp and blue-green algae as food. To adapt such a lifestyle, their skulls have very unique beaks and can be easily tell from other birds. In this work, the simple curved shape and details of a flamingo skull are presented within 3.5mm thin brass paper knife both sides.<br><br>M: Brass<br>S: L11*W4*D0.35cm <br>W: 42.2g<br>Made in Taiwan
《水晶蘭拆信刀》-直版 / Ghost Pipe- Paper Knife
水晶蘭(學名Monotropa uniflora)俗稱幽靈草,鹿蹄草科植物,植株不含葉綠素,依賴根部的真菌與的腐植質維生,因此呈現夢幻的半透明白色。然而水晶蘭生長周期短,只有運氣好的登山者能在中高海拔幽暗潮濕的角落中偶遇這些奇妙的白色精靈。<br>設計層面上,設計師以水晶蘭優美的曲線為基礎,抓取了合適的轉折比例,設計了第一款直版拆信刀,刀刃未開封,僅刀尖磨至能輕鬆刺穿紙張的程度,使用上相當安全。<br><br>關於銀銅版本<br>水晶蘭死亡被製成標本後,會轉為木炭般的黑色。設計師利用純銀隨時間由銀白氧化黑色的特色,在作品中重現水晶蘭的生命特性(可以透過一般的銀器保養方法回復亮白)。<br>這個版本花朵把手使用了925純銀,刃部黃銅鑄成,凹槽以45%銀合金錯銀處理,做出純銀到黃銅之間的色彩漸層。這個版本是本作品的最理想版本。<br><br>材質: <br>-銀同版本:925銀、黃銅、45%銀合金 <br>-銅版本:黃銅<br>尺寸: L10.5*W2*D0.2cm <br>重量: 17.5g<br><br>Monotropa uniflora, also known as ghost pipe, is a herbaceous perennial plant.It has no chlorophyll and pigments, and therefore shows a white, translucent color.A luck hiker sometimes can find ghost pipes in the dark environment of a forest after rainfall. <br>About silver & brass version<br>A ghost pipe will quickly turns black after it die, and silver show similer color change after it be oxidized. Therefore, I use 925 silver to made the flower handle to show this interesting characteristic. I add alloy with 45% silver on grooves of a brass blade to create the gradient color between silver and brass.<br><br>M: <br>S&B-925 silver, brass, 45% silver alloy<br>B -Brass<br>S: L10.5*W2*D0.2cm <br>W: 17.5g
NT$1,050 - NT$4,300
《彗星》拆信刀 (黃銅版) / Comet-Paper Knife (Brass)
《彗星》拆信刀 (黃銅版) Comet (Paper Knife, Brass)<br><br>天空系列-彗星 拆信刀<br>文明之初,人們將天體視作世界的座標,標定時間與方位。而拖曳著長尾的慧星就像是其中的叛逆者,是劃開天空秩序的星辰,也總在遠古住民的內心興起漣漪。<br><br>拆信刀以眼睛浮雕代表彗核,流線型長尾代表塵埃尾,表現出古典的彗星形象。刀刃未開封,僅稍微加強尖端的穿刺力,可安全使用。<br><br>long ago, people used periodic motion of starts to meature time and location.Starts have be regard as a eternal, stablize framework of a world. However,A comet is something that looks like a outsider. Comet alway shakes ancient societies when it shows up and moves across the sky.<br><br>Comet paper knife is a relief of a old style symble.It use a eye represent the comet nucleus, and use a streamlined shape for dust tail. The blade is not edged but the tip is sharp enough to puncture a piece of paper.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>尺寸: L10.5*W1.5*D0.3cm<br>重量: 17.5g<br>M.: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>S: L10.5*W1.5*D0.3cm<br>W: 17.5g<br><br>保養: 作品有上蠟做基本的防鏽,如果隨長時間使用仍然有銅鏽產生,可以擦銅水擦拭除鏽,並在洗去擦銅水後,靜置室內一周讓表面生成薄薄一層氧化層再把玩(也可以直接上家具蠟隔絕空氣)。<br>*拆信刀刀刃均未開鋒*
《玫瑰毒鮋》拆信刀 / Reef Stonefish -Paper Knife
玫瑰毒鮋,又稱石頭魚、老虎魚,以擁有魚類中最強的神經毒素著稱。分布於於潮間帶,習慣以礁石般粗曠的外型地隱身於地景之中,彷若縫合於岩石或沙灘中的一張臉。<br> 這件作品採毒鮋上方視角,以浮雕形式表現出其複雜華麗的形象,並拉長尾部成為刀刃,刀刃未開封,僅稍微加強尖端對紙張的穿刺力,對於喜歡海洋的朋友是安全有趣的桌上文具。<br><br> Synanceia verrucosa,also Known as reef stonefish, is knowm as the most venomous fish in the world. Synanceia verrucosa live in shallow tropical marine waters. It use to hide among corals, stones,or sand with its rocky skin and flattened head. This make stonefish looks like a small face of a rock.<br>This paper Knife is a sumptuous relief that made base on a stonefish&#39;s top-view. I extend the tail to be its blade.The blade is not edged but the tip is sharp enough to puncture a piece of paper.For those who like marine organism,reef stonefish will be a safe and cool stationery. <br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>尺寸: L10*W4*D0.5cm<br>重量: 34g<br>M.: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>S: L10*W4*D0.5cm<br>W: 34g<br><br>保養: 作品有上蠟做基本的防鏽,如果隨長時間使用仍然有銅鏽產生,可以擦銅水擦拭除鏽,並在洗去擦銅水後,靜置室內一周讓表面生成薄薄一層氧化層再把玩(也可以直接上家具蠟隔絕空氣)。<br>*拆信刀刀刃均未開鋒*
《台灣藍鵲》開瓶器 / Taiwan Blue Magpie -Bottle Opener
台灣藍鵲有著典雅的藍色羽毛與花俏的黑白長尾,是存在多個原住民文化中的神鳥,也是台灣最具代表性的鳥類,分布於低海拔地區,以果實、小型動物為食。《台灣藍鵲》擁有三款鳥形開瓶器中最長、最花俏的的尾翼,這加長的槓桿也讓開瓶更輕鬆,既是優美的的餐桌器具,也是一款能代表台灣風土特色的飾品。<br><br>Taiwan blue megpie has elegant bule feathers and a long tail. It is the most iconic bird in Taiwan and the sacred bird in several aborigine culture. Taiwan blue bird usually live in boradleaf forests, inclouding some nearby urban area. it is omnivoe and searches fruit, seeds and small animals for food.Taiwan blue megpie bottle opener use its long tail as a long moment arm to prevent labor. It is a functional table decor with Taiwan characteristics.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>尺寸: L8.5*W3.2*D2.5cm<br>重量: 59g<br>M.: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>S: L8.5*W3.2*D2.5cm<br>W: 59g<br><br>保養: 作品有上蠟做基本的防鏽,如果隨長時間使用仍然有銅鏽產生,可以擦銅水擦拭除鏽,並在洗去擦銅水後,靜置室內一周讓表面生成薄薄一層氧化層再把玩(也可以直接上家具蠟隔絕空氣)。<br>
《蒼鷹》開瓶器 / Goshawk- Bottle Opener
作品造型藍本為台灣二級保育類動物,鳳頭蒼鷹,可愛又不失威嚴的中小型都市猛禽,平日以松鼠、小型鳥類為食,常築巢於都會區公園。造型與其它鳥型開瓶器相比,蒼鷹有相對強壯的雙翼與渾厚的軀體,造型充滿力量。相信這樣的餐桌擺飾,能增添不少用餐的話題與生活趣味。<br><br>The prototype of this work is made based on crested goshawk, a protected species in Asia. In Taiwan, crested goshawk is the only city raptor. Compared with our other bird bottle opener, it have stronger wings and body to show a raptor's energy.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>尺寸: L5.5*W3.2*D2.5cm<br>重量: 49g<br>M.: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>S: L5.5*W3.2*D2.5cm<br>W: 49g<br><br>保養: 作品有上蠟做基本的防鏽,如果隨長時間使用仍然有銅鏽產生,可以擦銅水擦拭除鏽,並在洗去擦銅水後,靜置室內一周讓表面生成薄薄一層氧化層再把玩(也可以直接上家具蠟隔絕空氣)。
《飛燕》開瓶器 / Barn Swallow- Bottle Opener
既是造型優美的家燕造型開瓶器,也是賞心悅目的餐桌擺飾。《飛燕》設計上保留了燕子在空氣中滑行的優美流線,下方簡潔的曲桿,可貼合瓶蓋做開瓶器使用。<br> <br> The design of barn swallow bottle openers keeps a swallow's elegant curved shape. It is not only a tool but also an ideal table decor.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅(脫蠟鑄造)<br>尺寸: L7*W3.2*D2.5cm<br>重量: 49g<br>M.: Brass (Lost wax casting)<br>S: L7*W3.2*D2.5cm<br>W: 49g<br><br>保養: 作品有上蠟做基本的防鏽,如果隨長時間使用仍然有銅鏽產生,可以擦銅水擦拭除鏽,並在洗去擦銅水後,靜置室內一周讓表面生成薄薄一層氧化層再把玩(也可以直接上家具蠟隔絕空氣)。
《伏貓》紙鎮/筆架 A Relaxed Cat (paperweight/ penholder)
作品伏貓採”福貓”諧音,除了招福的寓意外,一隻安靜地趴坐在桌上的貓也能帶給從事靜態活動的的朋友心靈上的安寧。<br>伏貓可作為紙鎮使用(壓住餐巾、傳單),也能作為書寫的筆架。<br><br> A relaxed cat is a good companion to people who work in a quiet space. it can bring peaceful atmosphere to the room and be used as a pen-holder, paperweight for different uses.<br><br>產品資訊/PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅上蠟(脫蠟鑄造)<br>尺寸: W2.8*L6*H3cm<br>重量: 約65g<br>製造: 台灣<br>保養: 作品有上蠟做基本的防鏽,如果隨長時間使用仍然有銅鏽產生,可以擦銅水擦拭除鏽,並在洗去擦銅水後,靜置室內一周讓表面生成薄薄一層氧化層在把玩(也可以直接上家具蠟隔絕空氣)。<br><br>Material: Brass(Lost wax casting)<br>Size: W2.8*L6*H3cm<br>Weight: 65 g<br>Made in Taiwan<br><br>
《鐮蟲屬三葉蟲》-1(黃銅版) / Harpes Trilobite-1(Brass)
***古生物系列***<br>鐮蟲屬三葉蟲生存於前寒武紀至泥盆紀晚期(5.4億~3.5億年前),特色是大且延伸至尾端的鐮形吻板 (rostral plate),有如科幻片中的飛船一般。簡約內斂的的弧線造型不僅適合穿搭,也少了鉤到織物的風險。<br><br>***Paleontology Series***<br>Harpes trilobite was exist since Upper Cambrian to the end of Devonian period. the most obvious feature of it is a comparatively large, semicircular brim around the cephalon(head).<br><br>材質: 黃銅<br>配件: 手做銅環<br>重量: 14.6 g<br>生產: 台灣<br>M: brass<br>A: Hand-made brass snap ring*1<br>W: 14.6 g<br>Made in Taiwan
《鐮蟲屬三葉蟲》-1(純銀版) / Harpes Trilobite-1(925silver)
***古生物系列***<br>鐮蟲屬三葉蟲生存於前寒武紀至泥盆紀晚期(5.4億~3.5億年前),特色是大且延伸至尾端的鐮形吻板 (rostral plate),有如科幻片中的飛船一般。簡約內斂的的弧線造型不僅適合穿搭,也少了鉤到織物的風險。作品本身附925銀麻花鍊,若想用更好的鍊子搭配也可以只購買墜子。<br><br>***Paleontology Series***<br>Harpes trilobite was exist since Upper Cambrian to the end of Devonian period. the most obvious feature of it is a comparatively large, semicircular brim around the cephalon(head).<br><br>材質: 925銀<br>配件: 925銀麻花鏈(L:50cm)<br>重量: 約15.6 g(不含鏈重)<br>生產: 台灣<br>M: 925 silver<br>A: 925 silver necklace chain(L: 50cm)<br>W: Around 15.6 g(not include necklace chain)<br>Made in Taiwan
NT$5,100 - NT$5,950
《月盒》(黃銅版) / Moon Box(Brass)
***天空系列-***<br>在諸文明中,日、月為星塵之主,有著高位的精神象徵。青工工作室以日月為題,製作了日、月盒,兩種款式。設計上採不同面相之人面浮雕,呈現日與月的兩種精神表現;月盒採陰柔內斂之面相,五官秀雅,閉目沉思。<br><br><br>***Cosmos Series***<br>Sun and moon have irreplaceable meanings in most civilizations, so I design a sun box and a moon box as initial works of cosmos series. I made a cover with a peaceful face relief to present the image of moon for moon box. It is not just a box to store small accessory but also an interesting decoration on your table.<br><br>產品訊息/ PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅鍍膜,內襯紅絨布<br>尺寸: Ø4.3*H2.3cm<br>製造: 台灣<br>M: Brass box with flannelette inside layer<br>S: Ø4.3*H2.3cm<br>Made in Taiwan
《日盒》 / Sun Box
***天空系列-***<br>在諸文明中,日、月為星塵之主,有著高位的精神象徵。青工工作室以日月為題,製作了日、月盒,兩種款式。設計上採不同面相之人面浮雕,呈現兩種精神表現;日盒採純真剛毅外放之顏面,氣相平穩,睜目有神。<br><br><br>***Cosmos Series*** <br>Sun and moon have irreplaceable meanings in most civilizations, so I design a sun box and a moon box as initial works of cosmos series. I made a cover with a energetic face relief to present the image of sun for sun box. It is not just a box to store small accessory but also an interesting decoration on your table. <br><br>產品訊息/ PRODUCT INFO<br>材質: 黃銅鍍膜,內襯紅絨布<br>尺寸: Ø4.3*H2.3cm<br>生產: 台灣<br>M: Brass box with flannelette inside layer<br>S: Ø4.3*H2.3cm<br>Made in Taiwan
Living fashion to fit your personality.
拆信刀 Paper knife
其它 Others
墜子 吊飾 Pendant or Charm
戒指 Ring
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